Monday, February 17, 2020


Letakkan rindu kepada Allah yang paling utama. InShaAllah boleh atasi rindu pada yang lain.

Rindulah kepada solat di malam hari,
Rindulah kepada mushaf al quran,
Rindu untuk beribadat.

Jadilah seorang Hamba yang rindu kepadaNya.
Sesungguhnya itulah misi seorang muslim di dunia ini. Sentiasa mengingatiNya.

Dan jika kamu rindu kepada yang si dia, yang bukannya milikmu. Semoga hatimu tidak terpaut kepadanya.


Seseorang akan bersifat maaf bila dia tahu apa fadhilat jika dia memaafkan kepada orang lain.

Orang yang paling banyak mendapatkan maaf dari Allah, adalah orang yang paling banyak memaafkan orang lain."

[Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin bin Abu Bakar Al-Hamid]

Habib Ali zaenal Abidin


اللهم لا تعلق قلبي الضعيف بما ليس لي

“Ya Allah janganlah membuat hatiku yang lemah terpaut kepada apa yang bukan milikku"


Allah adalah kekuatan
Jika anda perlukan kekuatan
Carilah Allah.

I have friends, great ones. whenever I feel sad, I look at our picture together and remind myself of the feeling and the excitement I had when I'm with them. seriously... how can I not smile?

Same goes for my family. I'll try to compare the challenges I'm going through...It just won't tally with the amount that my parent had to go through. "argh aku penat gile harini...tapi ummi abah kerja lagi keras dari aku...". To me, whatever challenges I'm going through maybe big for me, but if I go through it with the right mindset, I would regret complaining because Wallahi others are in much greater pain. The right thing to do is.. to know how to cope with it, never let yourself stray away. Sahabat ada, keluarga..Allah sentiasa ada. I hope you can go through this, even for a while. It'll be better. I'll be there to lend you a shoulder, Allah will always be there to listen, need not worry.

Thursday, February 13, 2020


The obligation to make choices in life can get pretty stressful, especially when it determines your whole life and future. As a teenager I was told to follow whatever I had to do, the basics, of course, learning, studying yada yada yada. Life was easy, I can't say I was a great student, a genius, or a smarty pant. However, I was qualified to enter IIUM academy at the age of 15 and that was the whole "mission". It wasn't all great but yeah sure I passed it. Little did I know it was only the beginning. Choosing a degree major is H A R D though. Others may already have their dream job "oh I wanna be a lawyer that's why I'm taking law". In my case, I would say "I have no dream I ain't no Martin Luther" it was hard to decide. To make a decision that I will have to face for 4 years and perhaps live with for the rest of my life. At the end of the day, I chose what I like, what I enjoyed studying...only to get criticisms from many. I did ignore the negativity at first, but I can't do it forever, I'm human too..with feelings at that. There are other choices that I have to make which were also a mistake due to my selfishness. Am I disappointed with myself or the expectations? What other ways can I prove to make them realize that I can do more, by myself without others' help and opinions? To choose or to follow, or will this be my forever dilemma?

My strength

A wish that kept me going.

Saturday, February 8, 2020


Ilmu itu didatangi, bukan mendatangi. Nilai ilmu itu lebih mahal daripada permata yang dicari,ilmu tidak mampu dimiliki tanpa sebarang kesusahan. Sesuatu yang luhur tidak dapat dimiliki tanpa bersusah-payah terlenih dahulu. Dengan ilmu, dapatlah kita menjadi pemimpin dunia, dan bukan hamba pasaran berjiwa kapitalis.