Sunday, February 19, 2023

The Loud Silence

I have a friend, a really good one. One that is there in silence and chaos. One who listens and one who will have my back; her name is Hajar.

Hajar is a mysterious one. She sometimes does not understand why she does certain things, like why she keeps buying pink sports shoes or hates durian but like musang king. It's not much of a mystery; it's just that she would say, "I tak tahu kenapa I-" 

Hajar is a loner too...well, sometimes. She eats shawarma alone in her room while watching demon slayer (this was 4 years ago). I wondered why she didn't like eating with us. She said "your group is big" aaaah, an introvert, I see...well, now she is "forced" to connect with people, orang penting kann.

Hajar is a good listener, though she does not know what to reply sometimes. Her words are always so comforting (tapi dia reply lambat sikit la, susun ayat la tu). Not all are comforting, though, but just the tough love and bits of advice I needed when my head and thoughts were not in the right place. 

Hajar is an inspiration. Her creativity and her passion taught me a lot. She is the best work partner I have ever had. The same level of enthusiasm put into the work, the hard work that consistently pays off. Her way of management and her way of perfecting things are all an inspiration to me. 

Aku ingat je la birthday kau 18 February 2001, I appreciate your presence in my life. Thank you for always reminding me about life.

Bersendirian Dalam Keramaian

Bersendirian dalam keramaian itu bagi aku adalah kebahagiaan yang sederhana. Bukan kerana perasaan 'FOMO' atau 'peer pressured' tetapi hanya berada dalam keramaian itu cukup membuatku gembira dengan pemerhatianku. 


Tenang dan Tenteramnya kehidupan

Kunto Aji berkata di dalam lagunya; Rehat "apa yang kau takutkan tak akan terjadi" berbeza dengan Seneca the Stoic. Dia berkata bahawa "kau perlu menganggap bahawa apa yang kau takutkan akan mungkin terjadi dan akan terjadi". Dengan menjangkakan perkara ini, kita akan lebih bersedia untuk menghadapi kesemuanya.

Tapi... Seneca tak membuatkan kita lebih tenang dan tenteram seperti lagu karya Kunto Aji kan? So, whatever Seneca. 


Saturday, May 21, 2022


I have been asking my friends lately;

"Are you okay?"

And most of them would answer the same;

"I guess so. There's nothing to not be okay about."

It's the mediocre phase in life that is just okay. Are we hitting reality, or is this a lesson to be content with the littlest things?

Going through day by day for the sake of living, trying to pass through all the stages in the circle of life. 

Such predictable steps.

In a bustling city full of worries and ends meet. 

What makes it different from a simple life is contentment. Being content with whatever is around you, feeling whole with everything that is going on. 

In such mediocrity, find contentment. It is the least that could make life simply worth going through.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

SEM 1 21/22

Semester 1, 21/21 mark my 4th semester here in IIUM. I started this blog with the thought that it'd be a place for me to put out my motivations for the time to come. I stopped halfway (quarter way?) I did not go on for long, the motivations I had in me were gone, the enthusiastic me were no longer around. I was trying to find ways to get back to where I was, but I realized no matter how hard I try to be who I was, there is no way things could ever be the same. Things change and it happens. It is the most human thing ever. As long as there is a will for you to be back on track, congrats you have passed through the hardest part of it. 

It has been confusing. I hope this little part in life does not change who I truly am. Deep in my conscience, I just want to be the best version of who I am. Don't we all? 

Welcome back, 'Abir. 

Appreciating thyself.

Monday, February 17, 2020


Letakkan rindu kepada Allah yang paling utama. InShaAllah boleh atasi rindu pada yang lain.

Rindulah kepada solat di malam hari,
Rindulah kepada mushaf al quran,
Rindu untuk beribadat.

Jadilah seorang Hamba yang rindu kepadaNya.
Sesungguhnya itulah misi seorang muslim di dunia ini. Sentiasa mengingatiNya.

Dan jika kamu rindu kepada yang si dia, yang bukannya milikmu. Semoga hatimu tidak terpaut kepadanya.


Seseorang akan bersifat maaf bila dia tahu apa fadhilat jika dia memaafkan kepada orang lain.

Orang yang paling banyak mendapatkan maaf dari Allah, adalah orang yang paling banyak memaafkan orang lain."

[Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin bin Abu Bakar Al-Hamid]

Habib Ali zaenal Abidin